Overview of the Specialty

Psychiatrists specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders including mental, emotional and behavioral disorders and in the common medical and neurological disorders that relate to the practice of psychiatry.

At a Glance


  • 4 years of residency
  • Categorical positions available

These are minimum requirements. Some programs may have longer residencies.


Addiction Psychiatry1 year
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry2 years
Forensic Psychiatry1 year
Geriatric Psychiatry1 year
Hospice and Palliative Medicine1 year
Pain Management1 year
Psychosomatic Medicine1 year
Sleep Medicine1 year


Median, Academic Salary$208,000
Median, Clinical Salary$227,000

Source: Association of American Medical Colleges

Training Requirements

Training consists of a minimum of four years of postgraduate education. There were 211 psychiatry residency training programs accredited by the ACGME for 2014/15 that offered 1,353 categorical/advanced positions.

Matching Program Information and Match Statistics

Psychiatry residency training programs participate in the NRMP. Match results through the NRMP and competitiveness information for psychiatry residency training positions are summarized in the U.S. Match Statistics table below.

US Match Statistics





# Categorical positions available for U.S. Seniors1354132413601121
% U.S. Seniors Matched*94%96%97%97%
# Unfilled Categorical Positions9323038
# Unmatched U.S. Seniors48232015

Source: NRMP Match results for U.S. seniors applying in a single specialty. *Competitiveness is based upon the percentage of U.S. Seniors who ranked each specialty as their only choice.

WUSM Match Statistics

For a list of WUSM match statistics for the past several years, please visit Search for WUSM Statistics. (password protected)

Subspecialty/Fellowship Training

Subspecialty/fellowship training following completion of a psychiatry residency training program is available in addiction psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, pain management, psychosomatic medicine, hospice and palliative medicine, and sleep medicine. Detailed information about the scope of these subspecialty training programs, number of positions offered, and length of training is available at the FREIDA website.

Visit AMA website »
Visit FREIDA website »

Career Information

FREIDA physician workforce information for each specialty includes statistical information on the number of positions/programs for residency training, resident work hours, resident work environment and compensation, employment status upon completion of program and work environment for those entering practice in each specialty.

Washington University Resources

Faculty Contacts

Nuri Farber, MD362-2462
Anne Glowinski, MD286-2217
Eugene Rubin, MD362-2467
Melissa Harbit, MD362-2440
Eric Spiegel, MD747-6773

National Organizations